Eiffel Tower re-opens

As Paris opens up a bit more, the Eiffel Tower is set to see its first visitors again from tomorrow.
Access via stairs, and in a weeks’ time the lift access will be allowed too.

Please keep in mind it is compulsory to use face masks and maintain social distancing.

If you are not one of the lucky first few to visit this landmark on re-open date, take a look atour photos to fill the gap!


What used to be, take a virtual visit in the mean time

We can take a look back at what used to be, and wait for it to return once more.

Looking from Tuileries Gardens, through the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and to the Louvre in Paris.

Take a look of our other photos for a virtual visit here

Weekly feature: The Geode Cinema

For this weeks feature, we want to show the incredible Geode Cinema, the outside of this cinema is made up of over 6,000 reflective triangles which reflect the local landscape, meanwhile on the inside it holds one of the largest screens in the world at 1000 meters squared. See more of our photos here